You are invited by the Mission and Vision Team to join in our Bible Study which has been written as a response to "Casting the Net". The study is based around both John 21: 1-6 (Jesus and the Catch of Fish) and Acts 2: 42-47 (the coming of the Holy Spirit) with the aim of picking up on themes from both the Casting the Net Process and the Holy Habits series that we have previously followed as a circuit. There are six weeks of studies, and each looks at these two readings from the perspective of the circuit priorities, which are:
1. Understanding and expressing who we are – a Circuit with the city at its centre and including inner-city, urban, suburban and rural areas.
2. Valuing and acting justly towards all people as made in the image of God; celebrating the diverse gifts we bring and encouraging the ministry of the whole people of God in the mission of God within the Circuit.
3. To provide support towards the mission priorities of the Circuit in the form of people, property and finance as appropriate to enable local churches to live out God's mission in relevant ways within different communities; and to promote the sharing of resources between churches and within the circuit in line with the agreed mission priorities of the circuit and with connexional strategies and priorities.
4. To act justly towards God's creation.
5. To be active outside of our church communities and buildings, and in ecumenical contexts.
6. To create and maintain a governance structure that enables mission across the circuit.
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Watch previous studies on Facebook
Click here for Week 1
Click here for Week 2
Click here for Week 3
Click here for Week 4
Click here for Week 5
Click here for Week 6